Friday, June 24, 2011

Top 10 Schwarzenegger Movies (#5)

Character: Dutch
Year: 1987

I'll address your inital concern right now: Yes, I realize that for you this ranking might seem a little low. Perhaps criminally so. And, I'll admit, so far this list has not been without it's faults (the exclusion of Kindergarten Cop was definitely an oversight on my part, as it was easily better than Red Heat). But, while good, and while entertaining, Predator just isn't the ultimate Arnold movie for me.

It has it's classic moments:  The HandshakeGet to the ChoppaI Ain't Got Time to Bleed.  And so on.

Sure, the movie drips manliness from every pore, and since we really aren't watching a Schwarzenegger movie for it's carefully crafted plot or the subtle nuances of the character, then I can see how an argument might be made that this sort of ridiculous and over-the-top movie (like Commando before it) is really the perfect Arnold experience. Just sit down, turn off your brain, shove your hand in a bag of popcorn and stare at the sweaty men and shiny explosions.

I get it. I do. I like those kinds of movies as much as the next guy (especially the sweaty men part, RAWR!). So, just because it's not my favourite Arnold movie, doesn't mean I don't still love it. Number five is nothing to sneeze at. I just happen to have four movies that I like a little bit more.

So save your enraged comments for another day, because I'm already a step ahead of you. You would have put it at number one, and I'm a fool for having it at any place else, especially, heaven forbid, as low as number five. I know. Save your breath.

Unless of course you actually were going to leave a comment. Then by all means, please do. It gets so lonely here...


  1. Sacrilege!!

    I will not even read the write up for this abomination...I have gone straight to the comments to vent my abhorrence.

    This ranking is criminally low. This list has shown time and time again it is full of faults, Red Heat over Kindergarten Cop? Predator is ultimate Arnold movie for everyone!

    Chock full of classic momments: The Handshake. Get to the Choppa. I Ain't Got Time to Bleed. Stick around. You're one... *ugly* (sic) fellow! If it bleeds, we can kill it. So you cooked up a story and dropped the six of us in a meatgrinder? You still don't understand, Dillon, do you? Whatever it is out there, it killed Hopper, and now it wants us. And so on.

    The movie drips manliness from every pore and the brilliant pot and character development are superb. It is the perfect Arnold experience!

    I just don't think you get it! Don't you like movies with sweaty men and big explosions? If this isn't your #1 Arnold movie, you must hate the film with every fiber of your being. A fifth place ranking can not be ignored.

    I just simply could not save my rage another day! You are a fool for having this film anywhere but 1st. Sadly, I am certain you will not even read this comment as it will get lost in the hundreds of other comments you get daily.

  2. Well played, sir. Well played.
