Friday, July 22, 2011

Top 10 Schwarzenegger Movies (#2)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Character: The Terminator
Year: 1991

I feel like this write up is only going to serve to make me sound like a complete hypocrite.  I can already tell that it will be riddled with contradictions.  You see, although I obviously love this movie (#2 is no small feat) I do have a few beefs with it.  And these beefs are going to sound unjustified, seeing as how I praised other movies on this list for practically the very things that I am now complaining about.

For starters, I was quick to defend Jim Belushi and Tom Arnold.  This will not be the case for Edward Furlong.  I should apologize to my sister now, as even whispering such blasphemy will probably make her want to murder me and bury my corpse out in the woods under a large pile of the old Teen Beat Magazines that once littered her room back in the day, but every time I watch Terminator 2 again, he annoys me just a little bit more than the last time.  And having re-watched every movie on this list over the course of making it, I must say, that during this most recent viewing, he was almost unbearable.  He has moments where he's not terrible, but they're so few and far between that they are almost instantly forgotten the moment his next annoying scene soils its way onto the screen.

Next, much like many other movies on this list, Terminator 2 has a near-perfect mix of action and humour.  But for some reason, here, it rubs me a little wrong.  Not all of it, just mostly the one-liners.  I know they try to justify it as him being able to learn to be more human the longer he spends around people, but I still just can't help but find it all a little out of character, especially compared to the no-nonsense Terminator in the first film.

But again, these are all minor complaints.  At the end of the day, there is a lot to love about this movie, and love it I most certainly do.  Even when the Edward Furlong character rears it's ugly head.  No, 13-year-old Bonnie, I didn't say that he has an ugly head... Please, just put down the knife... NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

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