Friday, May 24, 2013

Man Crush Revisited: 15 to 11

#15 Matt Damon
Previously Ranked: #12
Much of my Man Love for Matt Damon last time around stemmed from my love of the Bourne Trilogy. One might think that since he wasn't in the most recent Bourne movie - the only one released since the last list was made - that this might hurt Damon's ranking on this list (and maybe raise up Jeremy Renner in the process). Not only is that not the case, but it's even maybe increased his stock a little bit. The last Bourne movie just wasn't very good. Disappointing, is perhaps the best term to describe it. Was that due to a lack of Damon? Maybe. Maybe not. It certainly didn't help.

#14 Jason Statham
Previously Ranked: #10
I haven't seen anything he's been in since the last list came out. That can't be a good sign. Of course, I don't really see as many movies these days as I used to, and a few looked like they might have been worth my time. So take that statement with a slight grain of salt. I still love the man, but at this point it's mostly for the things he did 10-15 years ago. Also: Statham has been around for 15 years?! I'm getting old...

#13 Clive Owen
Previously Ranked: #9
Again, another previous Top 10 guy whom I haven't seen a single movie that he's been in since the last list was made. Only this time, it's for a completely different reason: he just hasn't been in anything. Statham has been in stuff, I just haven't seen it. Clive just kind of… disappeared. Hopefully he'll be back and better than ever, but as with Statham, right now, my love is still mostly based on fond memories from the past.

#12 Quentin Tarantino
New Entry
I love Tarantino the director. I really can't decide about Tarantino the man. Is he a genius? Is he a self-important, pompous, blow hard that thinks the sun rises and sets solely for him? Or is it all just a TV/Awards Show/Late Night persona that bubbles to the surface whenever the cameras are rolling? I'll probably never know, but the one thing I do know is that he's batting damn near 100% in terms of me loving each and every one of his movies.

I mean, even the ones that were kind of 'm-eh' (Jackie Brown, Death Proof) were still decent. And the rest are all classics (or damn close to being classics). Whether you agree with that statement or not, you still have to admit, no one makes movies like he does. There's just nothing even close. There are better movies, sure. Maybe even more entertaining movies. But there is nothing else quite like a Tarantino movie. And considering the success he has had, you would think that the studio executives would be working around the clock trying to find some hack who could do a decent enough Tarantino impression to cash in at the box office. When you're as well known and successful as he is, and yet there's still no one else like him out there, that's pretty impressive. I don't know if I love the man, but I definitely love his movies.

#11 Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Previously Ranked: #21
Considering it's now about to start it's 17th season, and has remained consistently funny throughout each an every one of those years, South Park has to be in the running as one of my favourite television shows of all time. Sure, it's not as funny as The Simpsons was in it's heyday. Nor are it's five best episodes better than the five best episodes of Firefly. In fact, it's probably not even close. But in terms of being consistent, I'm not sure I can name any other show that has been this good for this long. Sure, there are always a few stinkers in each season. In fact, the stinkers are starting to get a little more common as the seasons go on. But still, 17 seasons alone is nothing to sneeze at. And considering that I've had South Park in my life longer than I haven't, I think it's safe to say that the two guys that are the driving force behind it have certainly earned this spot on the list.

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