Friday, March 19, 2010

Man Crush #25: Jeremy Clarkson

Best Known For: BBC's Top Gear

Ok, so I just spent the entire last post explaining the purpose behind this list, and here, in the very first entry, I'm going to take it all back.  Because this entry is less about the man, and more about the show he represents.  In fact, I'm going to speak man crush blasphemy, and suggest that Clarkson isn't even my favorite Top Gear presenter.  I'm a James May man at heart.  And, sorry to spoil the surprize for you, but you're not going to find James May's name on this list.

So then, if he's not even my favorite person on his own show, what right does he have to appear on this great list of lists? Well, the answer to that is simple: Clarkson is Top Gear.  He is the face of the entire show.  Maybe my man crush is on Top Gear* more than on Clarkson himself, but if Clarkson is the embodiment of that show, then he certainly deserves to appear here as it's ambassador.

Besides, Clarkson gets to drive the best cars. 

...and he gets to drive them side ways. 

...with smoke pouring from the back tires. he screams 'power!' at the top of his lungs. 

He has the best job on that show - maybe even on the entire planet -  and quite frankly, even if the cameras were not rolling, anyone that gets to do that for a living is going to be a hero of mine.  In fact, the only fault of his that I can think of is that he has a well-known hatred of motorcycles.  But pobody's nerfect.

My Jeremy Clarkson man crush is as simple as this: I love me some cars.  And I respect the hell out of a man that can powerslide them around a track, making it look easy, while he explains the finer points of said car in an entertaining yet informative manner.  As though anyone watching is really in the market for a $250,000 car.  Plus, he gets to travel the world (in those cars), having a blast with his friends and getting paid ungodly amounts of money to do it.

Now tell me you don't want that man's life.  I know I do.  And that alone is reason enough to find him in the number 25 spot on this list.

Proof of Awesomeness:

* I hate to say it, but Top Gear has been starting to lose it's lustre to me in the last few series.  It's like they're staging too many screw ups, and just generally trying too hard.  But let's not worry about that.  Let's instead choose to remember what Top Gear represents: Grown men, goofing around, driving very expensive cars in very irresponsible ways.  What's not to like about that?


  1. I gotta give it to Travis, he really man'd (pardon the pun) up, threw homophobia to the wind and did up some man crush list.

  2. He also says (to James) "You brought the wrong car!" :)
    Clarkson is a good choice, but seriously? #25? I'd put him higher just because he was mixing drinks and eating caviar while driving up to the North Pole - although it was May who brought the caviar...
    Can't wait to see the rest!
