Friday, April 23, 2010

Man Crush #20: Bill Murray

Best Known For: SNL, Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, Lost in Translation... the list goes on.

This is the point on the list that I start to struggle with semantics.  You see, I love me some Bill Murray.  Simple, clear cut, man crush, right?  The problem is, this man crush is based more on my love of 80's Bill Murray and even 90's Bill Murray more than it is on 00's Bill Murray.

Don't get me wrong here.  I'm not saying that I don't like 00's Bill Murray.  He still brings a stupid grin to my face every time he graces the screen.  But his work in the 00's alone would not garner him a man crush.  At least, not one in the legendary Top 25.  (I know what you're thinking, Danica: blasphemy  ...but it's true).

I grew up on Ghostbusters.  I've watched Scrooged every Christmas for most of my life.  Stripes, Caddyshack, Groundhog Day - Bill Murray practically raised me. So why then would I be struggling with whether or not he should be a man crush?  Well, the thing is, how far back can I go for a man crush?  I mean, if I can go back through the entire history of this planet, should I not be giving consideration to James Dean?  Or Steve McQueen?  Or Paul Newman?  That's Jim Stark, Detective Lt. Frank Bullitt and Butch Cassidy.  Do they not deserve to be here too?

Maybe they do.  But they won't be.

Bill Murray though?  I just couldn't do this list without him.  Semantics be damned.  He's too woven into the fabric of my very being to not be considered a man crush.  I'd surely be giddy with glee to sit down to dinner with the man.  I can't say the same for too many other people on the planet.  As such, even if he doesn't have current work to merit a nomination (although I did love the cuss out of Fantastic Mr. Fox) then he's easily here for a lifetime achievement award.

Proof of Awesomeness:

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