Friday, April 16, 2010

Man Crush #21: Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Best Known For: South Park

Do I know my readers, or what?  I can just see the thrilled look on Randy's face as he reads this entry.  "The guys that do South Park, you say?  I love that show, and have never once in my life thought poorly of it."  Well, my philosophy has always been to give the readers what they want.  So... you're welcome.

Of course, after the initial excitement passes, I'm pretty sure I know what your second thought will be:  "Travis really pussed out here.  Putting two guys in one entry.  He should have grown a pair, ranked them accordingly, and taken a very strong Team Trey or Team Matt stance."  Well, tough.  It's my list and I'll do as I please.  If you don't like it you can go...

Hey, no, don't leave.  I'll be nice.

But seriously, you may as well get used to it now,  because
*spoiler alert* this probably isn't the last time it will happen on this list.

Besides, when have you ever thought about the two as anything but 'Trey and Matt'.  They really do seem like a single entity.  A single, brilliant entity.  Yes, I know, South Park has a very deserved reputation as a show featuring nothing more than foul-mouthed 3rd graders and toilet humour.  And I can see how that doesn't appeal to everyone.  If that's all the show was, I'm sure it wouldn't appeal to me either.

But those that sit down and watch it every week know: it is far more than just that.  Biting social commentary, current events, spot-on parodies, and celebrities being rightfully ridiculed when they deserve it (and sometimes when they don't).  Granted, episodes are hit and miss.  And the juvenile humour that the show built it's reputation on is certainly very prevalent within most episodes.  But when an episode is 'hit' - when Trey and Matt are completely on their game - it is some of the funniest and most brilliant television ever made. 

With fart jokes.

Proof of Awesomeness:

Oh, and in case you're wondering, I like Matt slightly more than Trey, so the official Ranking is 21a: Matt Stone then 21b: Trey Parker. How's that for growing a pair?


  1. Ok, so after struggling with YouTube the past couple of weeks, I've now switched to linked QuickTime files. Why QuickTime and not WMV, you ask? Well, because I know all my readers use Macs, and that none would sully this blog by viewing it on a Windows machine. Especially anyone whose name rhymes with 'Doff'...

  2. I hate to give anyone whose name rhymes with 'Snoff' ammo, but I can't view the video on my Steve Jobs, hand crafted iPod Touch. How can this be?

  3. Why did you spoil it and rank them?? I was hoping you'd just leave me imagining a threesome of You, Matt and Trey...
    Oh and the QT links suck. I don't wanna have to download the videos to watch them! LAAAME! To quote Steve Jobs: "YouTube has HD video".

  4. Don't worry, my dear Gates-philes. I'll still use YouTube when possible. When the copyright doesn't bite me in the tookas.
