Friday, August 13, 2010

Man Crush #5: Dave Grohl

Best Known For: The Foo Fighters

I don't know if I can do it.

I don't  know if I possess the words to properly express my love for Dave Grohl.  I mean, sure, it's not like I have to convince many people; Mr. Grohl is universally recognized by most as an awesome dude.  But it's not like I can just post a couple pictures and a YouTube clip and be done with it either.

That's wouldn't be fair to the 4 people that click here weekly with bated breath, anxious to be swept away with prose as I wax poetic about the next man to have earned my mighty man-love.

And yet…  I just don't know what to write.

'Talk about Nirvana', you say?  While I do appreciate the effort, if I'm honest, I was never a Nirvana diehard.  Sure, I liked all their music plenty, and it still pops up on the old iPod with a fair bit of regularity, but being a member of one of the most influential - and yes - greatest bands in the history of recorded music isn't why Mr. Grohl is here.

Nor is it his brilliant career fronting the Foo Fighters either.

Because, as i've said before, that's not what the Man Crush list is all about.  It's not about being the very best.  There are musicians that are more talented than Dave Grohl.  Not many, mind you, but they do exist.  Sure, Mr. Grohl's impressive musical abilities certainly helped him  to earn this spot in the illustrious Top 5, but that is far from the sole reason that he's here.

I think it comes down to this:  Dave Grohl 'gets it'.  He embodies what most of us hope we would be like if we were rich, famous and powerful rock stars.  He's having fun.  It seems simple enough, and yet, ends up being something that few rock stars, especially of his iconic stature, are able to achieve.  Most get lost in the chaos of trying to stay relevant, or saying the right thing, or being perceived as a bad ass.  But not Dave Grohl.  He never comes off as trying to be someone he's not.  He's just making great music and enjoying the ride.

Plus, I mean, he was the drummer for Nir-fucking-vana!

Proof of Awesomeness:


    Try to spot the Grohl. :)

  2. Oh... my... god. That might be the greatest thing I have ever seen. Hoff you glorious bastard.
