Friday, August 6, 2010

Man Crush #6: Jemaine Clement

Best Known For: Flight of the Conchords

Back in my write up for Trey Parker and Matt Stone, I hinted that it would not be the last time that two names appeared in one entry.  At the time it was because I knew that at some point I would be writing about Bret and Jemaine, and I did not think I could do them as separate entries.

You see, I love me some Flight of the Conchords.  And, much like South Park, I very strongly associate the greatness of the show to it's two creators (sorry James Bobin, but in my mind it's all Bret and Jemaine). Granted the rest of the cast certainly didn't hurt.  Any time I feel the need to say a name with an exclamation point, it deserves recognition on this list, and Flight certainly had it's fair share: Bret!  Murray!  and of course… Jemaine!

So, originally it was my intention to have this post be Jemaine and Bret.  You know, to properly reflect my love of Flight.  But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it just couldn't be.

Don't get me wrong, Bret cracks me up plenty, but really, he's not a number 6 Man Crush.  Heck, I'd probably put Rhys Darby (Murray!) ahead of him in the annals of Man Crush lore.  And really, once an entry becomes: #6 Jemaine Clement, Bret Mackenzie and Rhys Darby, then ya, things have gotten a little out of hand.  I felt bad enough about making Trey and Matt a double entry, can you imagine if I dropped a triple entry?

No, that's just crazy talk.  As such, I've decided to keep this one as a true and proper single entry.  Which is all well and good, except that now the question becomes: 'should Bret (or even Rhys) have appeared earlier on this list instead of someone else?'  I mean, sure, neither are Top 10 ...but Top 15?  Top 25?  I hurts my pride to even think it, but at least one of them would probably be there.

But… let's look at it this way.  They may not have appeared on the list, but they pretty much stole the thunder of this entire entry - one, that in theory, should have only been about Jemaine, but in the end barely featured him at all - which is no small feat, and is surely a consolation prize worth just as much as their own individual entries.

Of course that now begs the question: what about Jemaine?  Well, if you have any idea who Jemaine is, and if you've seen any of his work, chances are I don't need to justify his position on this list to you anyways.

Proof of Awesomeness:

I also feel obligated to give full credit to one Randal Tiberius Sneep for turning me on to the glory that is Flight.  I'm always quick to point out when I am the one to have turned him on to something he ended up loving, so it's only fair that I give him credit where credit is due.


  1. What? No...Kristen! At the very least, Jim!

  2. It's funny, because I usually like to exclaim people by their real name (ie: Gerard!) rather than the character's name (ie: Leonidas!), but in the case of Flight I do it in the reverse (ie: Murray! rather than Rhys!) Perhaps it's because Bret and Jemaine are both the actor and the character names, I'll never know. But it does shame me to think that I'd rather go 'Mel!' than 'Kristen!'
