Friday, September 23, 2011

My Summer of B-List Celebrity Encounters, Part 5

There's no easy way to put this, so I'm just going to say it:  This video is going to make me look a little… crazy.  It's going to make Randy look a little crazy too.  But I'm not crazy, I swear.  The jury is still out on Randy, but I can only speak for myself, and I'm pretty sure that I'm mostly sane. 

I know that the internet is quick to judge - and judge harshly - and as such, if something is less than flattering, perhaps one should not post it.  But here it is anyways.  My hope is that you will have some understanding that we were partially hamming up the crazy a little bit for the camera.  There is some genuine crazy in there as well, for sure, but I'm going to chalk most of it up to either a late night after a long drive, or an early morning after very little sleep (depending on which moment of craziness you are judging at the time).

Either way, here it is, so please… be gentle.

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