Friday, March 23, 2012

Travis Tackles Relationships II

I'm no prude, but what's the deal with married actors getting a free pass to make out with their co-stars?

"Oh, it's just part of the job…"

Really? That actually flies? I mean, I can see why the actor's don't complain - they get the best of both worlds - but does this honestly not bug their wives at all? Do we just not hear about it? Is there an unspoken understanding, or is it spoken about quite frequently behind closed doors?

Or is it the greatest scam in the history of all time?

Again, I don't have a horse in this race. I'm just curious is all. I mean, it can't not bug someone, right? Seeing their significant other chewing on the lip of the next up-and-coming Hollywood starlet. Sure, part of the job is part of the job - and some benefits are better than others - but that alone can't stop jealousy from rearing it's ugly head, right?

Maybe this is why so many Hollywood marriages fail. We always assume it's cheating or something like that that causes the split, but maybe, more often than not, it's just plain old fashioned insecurity. I mean, I would place actors and actresses at damn need the top of the insecure food pyramid. There's only a handful that are immune to the possibility of a younger/hotter/more-talented-one coming along and taking their job. Imagine then, if you're not getting many offers, your agent isn't returning your calls, you audition to play the cool twenty-something, only to be offered the role of her mom, and then you see your husband doing a guest spot on Californication, completely naked on top of a young girl that's half your age, twice your hotness, and making double your salary. There's no way that doesn't lead to a little resentment.

But that's Hollywood. It's easy to shrug such a situation off as being the problems of some far away, strange place, worlds away from your own. But, in the spirit of Hollywood, let's pretend for a second. How cool would you be with it? Because I'm not a jealous person by nature. I don't think I would care too much if my actress girlfriend was making out with some new dude every week on her Sex and the City-for-a-new-generation type sitcom. Not the least of which is because I'd just be so happy to be dating an actress that nothing else would even matter. But, honestly, I don't think I would be that jealous. Like I said before, if has to bug everyone at least a little bit, right? But all things considered, I think I would be on the low end of that scale. That said, you never know. I might not lose sleep over it at all, or I might catch a hint of something that looks like genuine lust and gather up all her stuff and burn it on the lawn right then and there.

Like I said, I don't have a horse in this race, and I'm sure I never will. And as much as I like to think that my nickname at the cool Hollywood parties would be 'Cucumber' because I'd be so damn cool with it all, really, I honestly don't know. I've seen guys that fly into a rage when their girlfriend is too flirty with a waiter and I know that there exists in this world normal(ish) guys that are married to porn stars. I'm definitely not the former or the latter. And, as cool as I think I'd be with it, I totally understand those that wouldn't be. There really is no right and wrong here. Different people feel different ways about such things.

Regardless of where you fall on the subject, feel free to forward this blog onto Scarlett Johansson. That way she'll know that it won't be a problem for me, and then, undoubtedly, we'll be married within the year. Thanks.


  1. Cucumber is a bit generous. Gherkin or Baby Dill is much more realistic.

    1. Sorry man, but once Scarlett is made aware of my consistent, slightly above average fantasy sports record...she will be mine!

