Friday, April 12, 2013

Man Crush Revisited: Missed the Cut

The revised Man Crush list features ten new entries from last time. Which is no small amount, really. Six of the previous entries on the list have already graduated to the Hall of Fame  as of last week, but that still leaves four spots that must be vacated in order to make room for the new people. Unfortunately for these folks, they just didn't quite have what it took to make the Hall of Fame, and instead, simply dropped out of the Top 25 altogether.

They are:

Tony Jaa (previously ranked #24): Don't get me wrong, Jaa is an impressive dude. But to be a Man Crush you have to check more than just one box. I fully admit that I was maybe a bit hasty when I put him on the original list.

Gerard Butler (previously ranked #16): I'll admit that I was blinded by my love of 300 when I originally put him on the list. He's done nothing to maintain his spot since then. Moving on.

Adam Baldwin (previously ranked #14): I love Firefly, I do. And the first few seasons of Chuck were pretty good as well. But sadly, they aren't enough to keep Baldwin in the Top 25.

Ryan Reynolds (previously ranked #17): I said it best in my original write up for him: "If it's good enough for Scarlett Johansson, then it's good enough for me." Well, my girl Sco has since tossed him to the curb, and so am I. Actually, that's not the real reason. in fact, this was probably the hardest cut for me to make, since I still think he's a pretty funny/modest/awesome dude in real life. He's definitely still a Man Crush, just not quite Top 25. Although a quality movie/television release could very easily win me back over.

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