Friday, June 25, 2010

Man Crush #11: Nathan Fillion

 Best Known For:  Firefly/Serenity

I'm a patriotic guy.  Not insanely so, but patriotic none-the-less.  There's a lot to like about Canada, and as a guy that travels a fair bit, it always fills me with a fair bit of pride to know that I hail from this great nation.  Therefore, it stands to reason that when a dude that I already have a Man Crush on is also from Canada, his stock soars even higher.

I also like Edmonton.  I'll admit, it's probably not on a list of the 50 best cities in the world, but I like living here, and I like the city itself.  I'm not sure if there's a similar term like 'patriotic' to describe a city rather than a country, but I definitely have a bit of Edmonton patriotism in me.  As such, I'll never cheer for the Flames, and I get riled up at concerts when they do that cliché move of announcing to the crowd "We were just in Calgary last night… but nobody rocks like (checks name on the back of guitar) …Edmonton!"

Which brings us to one Nathan Fillion.  He's Canadian, sure, but even more specifically he's Edmontonian.  Combine that with his brilliant sense of humour and his starring role on Firefly, and we have the makings of Man Crush royalty.

Granted, I haven't seen a single episode of Castle, and I didn't watch much Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (despite it also featuring the Man Crush glory that is Ryan Reynolds). And really, when you consider that he doesn't have the most lengthy list of credits to his name, that might make you think that my Fillion Crush could stand to be a little stronger.

And maybe it could.

But considering he almost cracked the Top 10 on the strength of Firefly alone (although Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and the criminally short run of Drive certainly helped.), I'm not sure that I should have any more of a Fillion Crush.  As it stands, his spot here at number 11 will have to do.  For now.

Proof of Awesomeness:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Man Crush #12: Matt Damon

Best Known For: The Bourne Trilogy

I like a good quote.  And if there's one thing I learned from American History X (besides never to drop the soap in a prison shower…) it's that "someone else has already said it best. So if you can't top it, steal from them and go out strong."  So, even though I could probably burn a lot of calories explaining my love for Matt Damon, really, it would be a waste of time, seeing as how Paul Rudd summed it up best in the 40 Year Old Virgin.

Y'know, I always thought that Matt Damon was like a Streisand, but he's rocking the shit in this one!
- David [while watching The Bourne Identity]

And while that sums up perfectly the moment it became socially acceptable to like Matt Damon, and while I do love the Bourne Trilogy more than any one man should love 342 minutes of film, the real reason that Matt Damon is here is because of Kevin Smith.

It feels like I should put a spoiler alert here, but it seems rather unnecessary, seeing as how revealing that Kevin Smith is an upcoming name on this list is about as much of a spoiler as someone telling you that the boat sinks at the end of Titanic.  Needless to say this is not the last time we'll be discussing the portly director from New Jersey on this blog.

As you might recall, I previously stated that anything good enough for Scarlett Johansson was good enough for me.  Well that statement rings doubly true for Kevin Smith.  And Kevin Smith was a huge Matt Damon supporter.  A pre-Good Will Hunting Matt Damon supporter, which is a rare title to hold.  And no matter how many All the Pretty Horses or Legend of Beggar Vance's that sat steaming and collecting flies on the multiplex screen, I couldn't help but think 'but if Kevin Smith likes him, he can't be bad'.

And then a fishing boat found a body floating in the Mediterranean Sea, and movies as we knew them would never be the same again.  It turns out that Kevin Smith had been right all along, and in the process, his man crush had become my man crush as well.

Proof of Awesomeness:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Man Crush #13: Robert Downey Jr.

Best Known For: Iron Man

I have a shameful admission to make.  I know you would never use such information to mock me, and probably don't even want to hear about anything that I might consider to be an embarrassing skeleton in my closet, but if you would just humour me on this one, I'd appreciate it.  Ahem.  I enjoy…

The Bangles.

Don't judge me.  It's not really my fault.  Growing up, we had one tv and one stereo in the house.  And I had an older sister.  Which meant I could either watch what she wanted to watch and listen to that which she wanted to listen, or I could watch and listen to nothing at all.  More often than not, I opted for the former.  Luckily she had a decent taste in movies and I didn't grow up to be a complete wuss.  Well, not too much of one, at least.  But, looking back at my first musical exposure, it could have been a little less… well, lame.

But, as it stands I can't help but sing along to 80's Madonna.  And you may or may not find a fine collection of Cindy Lauper on my iPod.  It's just ingrained in me.  A part of who I am.  And it's also why I love… err… I mean like… well, tolerate, really… the Bangles.

(I know, I've had some pretty long winded, nothing-really-to-do-with-the-Man-Crush lead in's in the past.  And I agree, this one is really going long.  But please, continue to bear with me.)

My favourite Bangles song (and pardon the profanity, but fuck Walk Like an Egyptian… that turd is the reason I have to be ashamed of my Bangles love) was and still is Hazy Shade of Winter.  And yes, I know, it's not even their song.  But, long-story-short (or slightly less long, as the case may be) the video for the song, seeing as how if was recorded and released for the Less Than Zero soundtrack, featured clips from, you guessed it: Less Than Zero.

And, as much as I loved… err… tolerated the song.  I liked the video even more.  We had a copy on VHS and I tolerated the shit out of it.  Even if it was mostly just clips from the movie.  So one day it occurred to me that I should actually watch this movie that had intrigued me so.  And, I may not have known it at the time, but that was the day the foundation of my Robert Downey Jr. man crush had begun.

Over the years the resume was never in question: Weird Science, Chaplin, Natural Born Killers… but it was his off camera problems that always made you wonder about the guy.  Then he did a little ditty called Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - one of my favourite movies ever - and all the heroin in the world couldn't stop my man crush from being cemented in stone.  Plus, I mean, Tropic Thunder Iron ManSherlock Holmes? The work speaks for itself.  And so does this spot on this list.

Proof of Awesomeness:

Friday, June 4, 2010

Man Crush #14: Adam Baldwin

Best known for: Firefly/Serenity

Hold on to something, because I'm about to blindside you with a startling revelation:  I like to make lists.

Shocking, I know.

Maybe it's because I liked High Fidelity so much.  Maybe it was all the years I spent idolizing Santa Claus growing up.  Maybe I just wish my last name was Schindler.  I don't know.  What ever the reason, it's just something I do.

Now I'm not suggesting that it already exists, but for the sake of argument, let's say I had a list of my favourite television shows of all time.  Without giving it too much thought, and just going with my gut instinct here, I would say that within the prestigious top 5 of this list would be a show called Firefly.

Sure the concept was solid and the writing brilliant.  But without a doubt, one of the strongest elements of the show was it's cast.  And that's how Adam Baldwin entered my life.

Fortunately, due to a little show called Chuck, I don't have to give the same 'can one epic role (not roll… sorry Hoff) earn you a spot on this list' speech that I did a couple of posts back.  And luckily I don't have to defend him being one of the Baldwin brothers, as he is of no actual relationship to them.  Although Alec Baldwin's recent decade of being awesome might make that an easier argument.

Throw in having worked with Stanley Kubrick in Full Metal Jacket, and I'd say his spot here is easily merited... Gorramnit!

Proof of Awesomeness: