Friday, June 4, 2010

Man Crush #14: Adam Baldwin

Best known for: Firefly/Serenity

Hold on to something, because I'm about to blindside you with a startling revelation:  I like to make lists.

Shocking, I know.

Maybe it's because I liked High Fidelity so much.  Maybe it was all the years I spent idolizing Santa Claus growing up.  Maybe I just wish my last name was Schindler.  I don't know.  What ever the reason, it's just something I do.

Now I'm not suggesting that it already exists, but for the sake of argument, let's say I had a list of my favourite television shows of all time.  Without giving it too much thought, and just going with my gut instinct here, I would say that within the prestigious top 5 of this list would be a show called Firefly.

Sure the concept was solid and the writing brilliant.  But without a doubt, one of the strongest elements of the show was it's cast.  And that's how Adam Baldwin entered my life.

Fortunately, due to a little show called Chuck, I don't have to give the same 'can one epic role (not roll… sorry Hoff) earn you a spot on this list' speech that I did a couple of posts back.  And luckily I don't have to defend him being one of the Baldwin brothers, as he is of no actual relationship to them.  Although Alec Baldwin's recent decade of being awesome might make that an easier argument.

Throw in having worked with Stanley Kubrick in Full Metal Jacket, and I'd say his spot here is easily merited... Gorramnit!

Proof of Awesomeness:

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