Friday, May 28, 2010

Man Crush #15: Conan O'Brien

Best Known For: Hosting Late Night with Conan O'Brien

This selection requires no justification.  Conan is awesome.  Plain and simple.  This is not opinion, it is scientific fact.

But, seeing as how just leaving it at that makes for a rather short post, and Randy demands at least 5 paragraphs per blog, perhaps a little history into my Conan love is in order.

I've always preferred the second late night line up to the first.  I'm not a big Leno guy.  Never much cared for Letterman.  And I even prefer Colbert to Stewart.  Jimmy Kimmel is good.  Craig Kilborn was decent.  I don't hate Jimmy Fallon as much as I thought I would.  And Craig Ferguson was this close to making the Top 25 as well.  But, Conan has always reigned supreme.

Granted, his stint on the Tonight Show was not good, but he was trying to be something that he's not.  When Conan is being Conan, there's few better.  The years with Andy on the couch were deadly.  The Walker Texas Ranger Lever brilliant.  And no one did as well during the writer's strike than he did.  A true testament that his comedic abilities are not just the result of a strong group of writers behind him.

And maybe it's my soft spot for the self-deprecating humour, which Conan welds like a hammer.  Or maybe it was his involvement writing episodes during the greatest stretch of The Simpson's that this world has ever known.  Or maybe I just really like the idea of a  masturbating bear.  What ever the case may be, I loves me some Conan.

There.  Technically 5 paragraphs.  In your face, Sneep.

Proof of Awesomeness: