Friday, May 7, 2010

Man Crush #18: Gord Downie

Best Known For:  Front man of The Tragically Hip

I enjoy music.  I always have.  I probably always will.  I'm not fanatical about it.  I don't know a bunch of obscure indie bands that I have an offensive air of superiority about, and talk down to you with complete pretentiousness if you are naïve enough to have never heard of them.  I don't look down my nose at anything main stream or only listen to original vinyl because it sounds so much better than your petty mp3's.  But I enjoy music.

It's funny though, because you'd think with the sheer number of bands and musicians I enjoy, that more of them would have blossomed into Man Crushes over the years.  And yet, here we are, eight names into this list, and this is the first musician to make the grade.  But really, it stands to reason, seeing as how the majority of rock stars are kind of douche bags.  I mean, it's just hard for me to admire guys that chase their heroin down with a bottle of whiskey, and give an interview with all the charm and intelligence of a retarded monkey.  No offense to retarded monkeys.

It doesn't mean they can't create great music that I will enjoy for years to come.  But that ability alone will not earn you a place in my man crush heart.

And then there's Gord Downie.  Don't get me wrong, I love me some Tragically Hip.  They've given me 20 years of nothing but musical greatness.  But they're not my number one band of all time or anything.  I mean, they're probably in the Top 10 (Top 15 at the very least) but Gord's placement on this list has less to do with the band, and everything to do with the man himself.

The ability to write and perform great music certainly doesn't hurt, but a sharp wit, passion for Canada, and general air of awesomeness are what elevate him to such greatness.  Man Crush greatness.  His Killer Whale Tank (see: Proof of Awesomeness) and Double Suicide Highway Girl rants alone should secure his place here.  And the Trailer Park Boys video for The Darkest One cements his Man Crush legacy in stone.

"Are you really the messiah?  Yes I am."  Couldn't have said it better myself, Gord.

Proof of Awesomeness: (NSFW language)

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