Friday, May 21, 2010

Man Crush #16: Gerard Butler

Best Known For: 300

Can one epic roll earn you a spot on the Man Crush list?  I had seen Phantom of the Opera, and Tomb Raider and Reign of Fire, but I did not know the name Gerard Butler until I sat in the theatre, jaw agape, as the glory that was 300 danced before my eyes, forever changing my life in the process.  So great was this movie, and even greater the performance by Gerard, that an instant Top 10 Man Crush had been crowned before the credits had even started rolling.

Of course, the keen observer has already said to themselves 'but wait, if he was an instant Top 10 Man Crush, why are we talking about him at number 16?'  And although my math is a little rusty these days, I assure you, this is no error.  In March of 2007, Gerard was easily in my Top 10, maybe even Top 5.  So what could possibly have transpired to see him free-fall out of the Top 15 within a mere 3 years?

No, I'm not docking him points for being a complete man-whore.  It's easy to look down one's nose at such behaviour, but, if I'm taking an honest look at myself in the mirror, I'm not sure I'd have the moral fortitude to say no to all the young hollywood starlets that he's made the rounds with either.  Nope, the docking of points can be summed up in 3 and a half simple words:

P.S. I Love You

And I know, it's pretty unfair of me to judge a movie that I've never seen, but judge it I have.  And it doesn't stop there.  Nim's Island. The Ugly TruthGamerThe Bounty Hunter.  None seen, all judged.

But, I didn't hate Law Abiding Citizen or RocknRolla.  And for the sake of argument, let's pretend the other aforementioned movies were tolerable.  It's not that he was in such mediocrity that sent his Man Crush stock crashing, but more that he hasn't really done anything good since 300

So, the question remains, can one epic roll earn you a spot on the Man Crush list?  For now, the answer is yes.  But ask me again in another 3 years...

Proof of Awesomeness:


  1. Its "epic role" not "epic roll". One is an actor's job, the other is Sneep's belly.
    And I wouldn't call his acting in 300 very epic. The whole movie was just angry shouting. They could have played Kirk shouting "Khan!!!" over top of any scene in that movie.
    I call this pick madness.

  2. Please...

    If I enjoy 300 I don't need to know proper... um... word stuff
