Friday, May 14, 2010

Man Crush #17: Ryan Reynolds

Best Known For: Van Wilder (I think...)

Now we're starting to get into real Man Crush territory.  I'm not saying that previous entries haven't been, but this might be the first example that satisfies a very important aspect of the Man Crush criteria:  When you say to yourself 'Man, I would love to be that guy...'

I mean, no offense to Jeremy Clarkson, but I want his job.  I don't necessarily want to be him, per se.  Not that there's anything wrong with being a gangly, balding, 50 year old british guy.  But being Jeremy Clarkson isn't going to be one of my 3 wishes if a genie ever pops out of a lamp.  Don't get me wrong, he's still a true Man Crush.  I respect the hell out of him, I love his sense of humour and his passion for cars.  But I don't sit around thinking 'Man, I would love to be that guy...'

But young, rich, attractive, humble, hilarious, and awesome?  Yeah, I could stand to swap places with Mr. Reynolds.  And then there's the icing on the sundae, the cherry on the cake, if you will (and I assure you that my Reynolds Man Crush was in place long before this transpired) but if there's one thing you need to know about me - one rule that I live my life by - it is this:

If it's good enough for Scarlett Johansson, then it's good enough for me.

That's why when Scarlett threw Josh Hartnett to the curb, he suddenly fell out of the Top 10 on the Man Crush list.  Not good enough for Scarlett?  Not good enough for me.  Ok, that might not be the only reason you won't find him in the Top 10...

But I digress. 

Ryan Reynolds = awesome.  There.  Done.  Number 17.

Proof of Awesomeness:

Actually, I still feel bad about throwing Clarkson under the bus.  Because even though I don't sit around thinking 'Man, I would love to be that guy...', I do sit around thinking 'Man, I would love to be that guy... when I'm 50.' 

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