Friday, June 18, 2010

Man Crush #12: Matt Damon

Best Known For: The Bourne Trilogy

I like a good quote.  And if there's one thing I learned from American History X (besides never to drop the soap in a prison shower…) it's that "someone else has already said it best. So if you can't top it, steal from them and go out strong."  So, even though I could probably burn a lot of calories explaining my love for Matt Damon, really, it would be a waste of time, seeing as how Paul Rudd summed it up best in the 40 Year Old Virgin.

Y'know, I always thought that Matt Damon was like a Streisand, but he's rocking the shit in this one!
- David [while watching The Bourne Identity]

And while that sums up perfectly the moment it became socially acceptable to like Matt Damon, and while I do love the Bourne Trilogy more than any one man should love 342 minutes of film, the real reason that Matt Damon is here is because of Kevin Smith.

It feels like I should put a spoiler alert here, but it seems rather unnecessary, seeing as how revealing that Kevin Smith is an upcoming name on this list is about as much of a spoiler as someone telling you that the boat sinks at the end of Titanic.  Needless to say this is not the last time we'll be discussing the portly director from New Jersey on this blog.

As you might recall, I previously stated that anything good enough for Scarlett Johansson was good enough for me.  Well that statement rings doubly true for Kevin Smith.  And Kevin Smith was a huge Matt Damon supporter.  A pre-Good Will Hunting Matt Damon supporter, which is a rare title to hold.  And no matter how many All the Pretty Horses or Legend of Beggar Vance's that sat steaming and collecting flies on the multiplex screen, I couldn't help but think 'but if Kevin Smith likes him, he can't be bad'.

And then a fishing boat found a body floating in the Mediterranean Sea, and movies as we knew them would never be the same again.  It turns out that Kevin Smith had been right all along, and in the process, his man crush had become my man crush as well.

Proof of Awesomeness:


  1. What if Kevin Smith doesn't like Scarlet? And What if Scarlet, doesn't like Kevin Smith? But I digress, Bourne is so good.

  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa Sneep. That's quite a conundrum. A contraction in theoretical physics that, if such an unlikely scenario were to occur, I would have to imagine would undo all of space and time as we know it, obliterating the entire universe in less than a microsecond. Luckily, that's like asking 'what if the whole world farted at once?' You try not to think about what the outcome would be and take solace in the fact that it's just not going to happen.

  3. I also worry about what might happen if both Kevin Smith and Scarlett were to find the same thing good enough for them. I would be forced to love whatever this was so much that I would be unable to eat or sleep or function in society as I would be too busy loving it so much. I'm kind of hoping Scarlett isn't a huge Ben Affleck fan... because we already know where Smith stands on him, and I just don't know if I can lose my job obsessing over the guy from Reindeer Games.
