Friday, June 25, 2010

Man Crush #11: Nathan Fillion

 Best Known For:  Firefly/Serenity

I'm a patriotic guy.  Not insanely so, but patriotic none-the-less.  There's a lot to like about Canada, and as a guy that travels a fair bit, it always fills me with a fair bit of pride to know that I hail from this great nation.  Therefore, it stands to reason that when a dude that I already have a Man Crush on is also from Canada, his stock soars even higher.

I also like Edmonton.  I'll admit, it's probably not on a list of the 50 best cities in the world, but I like living here, and I like the city itself.  I'm not sure if there's a similar term like 'patriotic' to describe a city rather than a country, but I definitely have a bit of Edmonton patriotism in me.  As such, I'll never cheer for the Flames, and I get riled up at concerts when they do that cliché move of announcing to the crowd "We were just in Calgary last night… but nobody rocks like (checks name on the back of guitar) …Edmonton!"

Which brings us to one Nathan Fillion.  He's Canadian, sure, but even more specifically he's Edmontonian.  Combine that with his brilliant sense of humour and his starring role on Firefly, and we have the makings of Man Crush royalty.

Granted, I haven't seen a single episode of Castle, and I didn't watch much Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (despite it also featuring the Man Crush glory that is Ryan Reynolds). And really, when you consider that he doesn't have the most lengthy list of credits to his name, that might make you think that my Fillion Crush could stand to be a little stronger.

And maybe it could.

But considering he almost cracked the Top 10 on the strength of Firefly alone (although Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and the criminally short run of Drive certainly helped.), I'm not sure that I should have any more of a Fillion Crush.  As it stands, his spot here at number 11 will have to do.  For now.

Proof of Awesomeness:

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