Friday, September 10, 2010

#1: Steve Jobs

Best Known For: CEO of Apple

We all bow to his glory, as he rains down product after brilliant product upon us mere mortals.  He always gives the end consumer exactly what they want, and never holds back features or restricts user access.  Like any good CEO, he understands that his company was built on being the alternative to the larger monopoly, and he would never turn around and suddenly start acting worse than that evil empire which he was trying to topple once he had his foot in the door. 

Not one single person blindly follows him, assuming his products are without flaw or fault.  No, his herd of tech-savvy sheep are intelligent enough to question him at every turn, and make sure that his products truly are better than the alternative prior to laying down their hard earned cash.

And of course, most importantly, because of him I can finally start to wear my black turtleneck sweaters with pride once more.

Steve Jobs truly is greatness personified, and I would be remiss if I didn't... B-ah, I can't keep up this ruse.  No, Steve Jobs is not Number 1.  I was just kidding, Hoff. Didn't mean to hassle you...

And although I have been known to drink the Apple Kool-aid more than I care to admit, there's just simply no way that Mr. Jobs could top this prestigious list.  But... that's not to say that it won't be a different Steve.  In fact, it's time to get down to the brass tax of revealing the most obvious Number 1 in the history of lists.  Cue the anti-climatic drum roll please...


  1. The Steve? Number one Man Crush?
    Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
    Did Steve tell you that, perchance?

  2. He is a bad ninja though - since he got caught and had his throwing stars confiscated.
