Friday, September 24, 2010

Man Crush After Math Part II

Ok, only a few more loose ends to tie up and then I can finally stop relying on this Man Crush crutch and actually come up with something else to write about on this Blog.  Don't get too excited though, it's probably just going to be more lists.

Speaking of which…

The Guys That Society Tells Me I Shouldn't Like, But I Kinda Do Anyways Top 5.  These are guys that aren't quite Man Crushes, but I still kind of have a soft spot for.  Guys that it's not really socially acceptable to be a fan of, but I am anyways.  These aren't honourable mentions, or really even Man Crushes, per se.  But I felt they deserved someone to stick up for them, and I felt that that someone should be me.

#5: Jay Leno
I don't like Leno's show.  Let me just clear that up right here and now.  The Tonight Show is definitely a last resort for me when it comes to late night television viewing.  Obviously Leno took his lumps during the whole Conan fiasco; Conan was the guy that the young and hip sided with, and Leno was the heartless dinosaur that stole his job back by having the audacity to get better ratings (although yes, I mostly sided with Conan at the time as well).  Granted, Leno's 'safe' style of humour that seems to draw the red state viewers in droves isn't exactly great... but it isn't terrible either.  So, is accepting your old job back so you can make millions of dollars doing what you love again really that heinous of an offense?  No.  Not really.

So even though I don't care for Leno's show or his style of humour, I still think he got a bit of a bum rap in the whole Conan vs NBC drama, when really it was the NBC executives to blame for handling things so poorly.  That said, just being able to defend his flaws isn't reason enough for me to semi-like him.  No.  The reason that he's on this list is simple:  Leno might very well be the greatest 'car guy' on the planet.  His collection is astoundingly impressive, and the whole operation that he runs out of his garage is beyond awesome.  He has done exactly what I would do if I had the bankroll that he has, and when that's the case, then a man is legitimately deserving of my respect and partial man-love.
Proof of Semi-Awesomeness

#4: Tom Cruise
I've said my piece on Scientology already, so there's no need to start repeating myself with another long-winded diatribe about it's lesser qualities.  Obviously Tom Cruise is one of the first names you think of when that so-called religion is mentioned, and when you find someone's entire belief system to be unfathomably stupid, it's hard to say that you respect them.  But I do.  Tom Cruise is really good at what he does.  He makes damn good movies and knocks his roles out of the park on a consistent basis.  He does a lot of his own stunts, particularly motorcycling ones (MI:2 and Knight and Day), and from everything I've ever heard or read, people say that he's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet in Hollywood.

Obviously he's been in a PR free-fall ever since he took to Oprah's couch, but I'm going to stand by him anyways.  His movies entertain me, and really, who is he hurting with his vocal support of Scientology?  Most people know to just tune him out when he starts into those spiels anyways, and I can almost respect (there's that word again) someone that is so passionate about something they believe in.  Even if it is complete horse shit.
Proof of Semi-Awesomeness

#3: Leonardo DiCaprio
Just another pretty-boy Hollywood actor.  A guy that only dates supermodels and is most famous for his role in the biggest chick-flick of all time (no, not Shutter Island… the one with the boat).  So it stands to reason that he should be hated by everyone with a Y chromosome.  And yet, here we are.  Similar to the previous name on this list, it's obvious that a good body of work can often make up for any perceived short-comings.  And as an actor, Leo rarely leads you astray. 

Plus, he sits court-side at most Laker games, which, after Leno's Car Collection, is the next thing I would do if I was suddenly in possession of their healthy bank accounts.  Well, maybe not Laker games… I'm not ready to sell my soul that thoroughly just yet (although Kobe was pretty close to making this list as well).
Proof of Semi-Awesomeness

#2: Justin Timberlake
Boy Band.  Those two words alone should make his name on this list completely inexcusable.  Britney Spears (the ridiculous 2001 version), Alyssa Milano, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Biel… just 4 more bullet points of jealousy to add to the 'indefensible' argument.  In fact, if I may so bold as to lay a pretty heinous pun on you: on paper this entry seems damn near… unjustifiable.  Get it?  Because his first solo album was called Justified?  Because his name is Justin… ah, never mind.

In spite of all this, I like Justin Timberlake.  He seems like a pretty funny guy, willing to poke fun at himself, and seems to appreciate the position that he's in.  Most of the things that he does are the same things that any guy in his mid-twenties would do given the same circumstances.  And I hate to say it, but my toe will often start tapping every now and then when a catchy tune comes up on the radio that has been penned by the one they call JT.  Which, as far as nicknames go, is just more fodder for the 'unforgivable' argument that seems to be a running theme in this entry.
Proof of Semi-Awesomeness

#1: Ben Affleck
Bennifer. Gigli. Reindeer Games. Daredevil. Pearl Harbour.  That terrible Aerosmith Song that was huge because of Armageddon (and I like Aerosmith...)  There are a million reasons to hate Ben Affleck.  And I can only think of one reason why I don't: Kevin Smith.  Maybe I shouldn't put so much stock in one man's word, but he claims Affleck is a really good dude.  And he's told enough stories to make me believe him.  Plus, the more I think about it, aside from some really poor movie choices and one really poor girlfriend choice, what have I ever heard bad about the guy?

Besides (and I don't say this to lessen the value of the number one spot on this list - which it surely will) any excuse to get the famous Sneep ire up in regards to the man he lovingly refers to as 'The Flick' is a win in my books.
Proof of Semi-Awesomeness

Sorry, Sneep.  But I stand by his ranking

To make it up to you for the keyboard you just undoubtedly smashed in anger, let me give you your wish: a ranking of the BMW Films from worst to best.

8. Chosen
7. Ambush
6. Beat the Devil
5. Hostage
4. Star
3. The Follow
2. Powder Keg
1. Ticker

There.  We Cool?


  1. I shall answer your question about a-flick.

    "what have I ever heard bad about the guy?"

    In no particular order:
    Cheating on JLo with a stripper?
    He was a jerk while promoting Dogma.
    Matt Damon did all the work for 'Good Will'
    a-flick describes himself as a lapsed Protestant
    Pushed a little kid off a bike and stole his candy.
    Boston Bruins fan
    Got a dolphin tattoo that was used to cover up a tattoo of his high school sweetheart's name
    Supported Al Gore
    Can not pee standing up.

    But...BMW...ya, we're cool.

  2. • JLo is annoying and a terrible person (he just wanted out and cheating was a passive aggressive way to do it)

    • Was awesome in Dogma (cancels out being a jerk promoting it)

    • Ben wrote and directed The Town, which is getting favourable reviews, what has Damon done off camera since 'Good Will'?

    • Is the knock against him that he was a Protestant, or that he's lapsed in his devotion? Because I stand by the second decision...

    • Alcohol is tasty

    • Gambling is fun

    • Candy is delicious and children are annoying

    • I can't fault anyone for liking hockey

    • Dolphins are awesome

    • Al Gore would have been better than the 8 years of Bush we ended up with...

    • Doesn't leave Travis having to clean errant urine off his bathroom walls after every time he comes over to visit.
