Friday, October 1, 2010

We Made It!!

Today (well, tomorrow technically, but I don't post on Saturdays...) marks the One Year Anniversary of this little experimental exercise in self-importance and indulgence.  To celebrate this momentous occasion (as well as surpassing the 40th blog entry landmark) I am feeling in somewhat of a generous mood.

Although this blog is the greatest gift I could ever bestow on the world, my charitable spirit can't just leave it at that.  So I present to you, my dear readers, the first (and possibly last) ever:

Travis' Blog Anniversary Contest of Awesomeness

How does it work, you ask?  Well, simply post the following information in the comments section of this post:

Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Personal #1 Man Crush

The contest closes on October 12, 2010 at 10:00am MST at which point all eligible entries will be placed in a random draw to determine the winner.  The winner will be announced shortly thereafter, on this very blog.  The contest is limited to one entry per person.  The Grand Prize item will be delivered within 4 to 8 weeks of the winning announcement.

Good Luck.

(ps: yes, I purposely didn't announce what the prize actually is.  It's a surprise...)


  1. Danica Smith - #1 Man Crush (does it have to be strictly platonic..?) would have to be Robert Downey Jr at this point in time. (If strictly platonic, I would be willing to name Wes Anderson)

  2. R. S. - #1 Man Crush at this moment is Ezra Levant. (who I hope to meet Oct 19)

  3. E Hoff, #1 Man Crush? James "Captain Slow" May. #2 R Sneep.
