Friday, October 8, 2010

Lady Crush #15: Karen O

Best Known For:  Yeah Yeah Yeahs front-man (err... woman)

You know that movie The Bucket List?  Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, dying of cancer, setting out to do a list of stuff they missed out on in life before they die?   Well, prior to it's release I'd never even heard the term 'bucket list' before, and now it comes up all the time.  I'm not sure if its always been around and I just hadn't noticed it before, or if the filmmakers impressively coined a term that is now a part of modern vernacular despite the fact it was spawned from a mediocre-at-best buddy movie. Regardless of it's origins, my love of lists has lead to a few bucket lists of my own having been created. 

And I never even saw the movie.

One of the most prominent lists that I've toyed with the idea of is that of the Concert Going Bucket List.  Bands that I feel I need to see live in concert before I shuffle off this mortal coil.  This is different from concerts I'd simply like to see if they were coming through town, or concerts I wish I could see, but obviously due to bands breaking up or the death of significant members, could never happen.  No, this is a list of bands that I will try my damnedest to see at some point during my lifetime (the sooner the better, as it's a tough thing to achieve once a band has broken up or significant members have died...), even if this means buying a plane ticket for that sole purpose.  And obviously, not being a particularly wealthy man (nor a flight attendant) the number of bands that I am willing to do this for should be (and is) quite small.

In fact, as of today, the list sits at 3.  The Strokes, The Sounds and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Which brings us to Karen O.  If I'm honest, besides really liking her band, I don't know that much about her. You might think that this would go against the whole reasoning behind this list, and yet, I stand by my decision wholeheartedly.  Sure, this isn't meant to be a list of my favourite bands, but I think it still stands to reason that I would develop a Lady Crush on the woman that is the face of one of them.  The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are awesome.  So, Karen O must be too.

My first exposure was a little ditty called Gold Lion.  It didn't melt my face off and leave my world a different place then it was before I had heard it.  But it was a good, catchy tune.   Shortly thereafter came the release of a highly anticipated little video game called Rock Band, which featured their song Maps.  Seeing that they were now 2 for 2 in my eyes, a thorough listening of the 2 albums that had been released to that point was in order.  By the time It's Blitz dropped, it didn't even need to win me over.  It only served to confirm what I already knew:

I was in love with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Even when they release something that from the outset isn't really my usual style of music (ie: Heads Will Roll), somehow it's still gobbled up like a bag of Jalapeno Cheddar potato chips left unattended in front of Randy.  And at the forefront of the band's awesomeness is front-woman extraordinaire Karen O.  She's a rock star in every sense of the word.  Oozing a unique style all her own, and winning over my mighty man-heart at every turn.

Sure I don't know much about her.  But that might be part of her mystique.  As such, she sits proudly at the Number 15 of this list.

Proof of Awesomeness:

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