Friday, October 22, 2010

Lady Crush #13: Isla Fisher

Best Known For: Wedding Crashers

There's two kinds of comedic actresses in Hollywood: There's the ones that do comedies, and the ones that do romantic comedies.  I tend to prefer the former over the latter.  By a fairly large margin.

It's not that the ladies that stick to romantic comedies aren't good at what they do.  Far from it.  It's just that they don't really come off as genuinely funny people.  I mean, if you were at a dinner party with the stars of the top grossing comedies of the year (romantic comedies included) chances are you wouldn't be hanging around Jennifer Aniston and Katherine Heigl if you were looking to have a good laugh.

They know how to pick a script that they can deliver on, sure, and you can't blame them for playing to their strengths and cashing an easy pay cheque.  But rarely do these scripts rise above the usual cliche riddled affairs.  And never could these scripts be confused as anything but a safe bet.

Which is why I like ladies like Isla Fisher.  Even though they aren't always that much better than the romantic comedies that I just finished slagging, I appreciate the fact that she wants to be in real comedies.  Sure, there aren't a lot of roles like that out there in Hollywood, but that makes it even more admirable that she hasn't just thrown in the towel and resorted to the easy romantic lead route.

Hot Rod wasn't great (although it had it's moments) and I've seen worse movies than Definitely, Maybe (which was dangerously close to Romantic Comedy territory).  But I dug Wedding Crashers, and although it wasn't a comedy, I loved the shit out of The Lookout.

I put guys on my Man Crush List for less.  Plus, I mean, if you're married to Sasha Baron Cohen, chances are that you have a sense of humour.  You'd have to.

Proof of Awesomeness:

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