Friday, October 15, 2010

Lady Crush #14: Anna Faris

Best Known For:  The Scary Movie films. (although the term 'films' makes them sound much more classy than they were...)

I struggled to do write ups for some of the guys on my Man Crush list, sure. But out of the 25 that I ended up doing, I only really had a hard time coming up with 3 or maybe 4 of them. Sometimes you just can't put your finger on why you like someone. Maybe you just get a good vibe off them, but can't really explain or argue to a skeptic the tangible things that make them worthy of your Man Love. Other times it just seems obvious, and you feel like 'well, of course I like this person, everyone does, why should I just rehash the reasons that seem so obvious?' Other times it might just be plain old writer's block.

With that in mind, struggling to come up with an interesting (I hope) write up for a mere 12 - 20% of the list is not a bad number.

So why then, am I struggling for a second straight week to come up with anything to say about this week's Lady Crush? I'm 0 for 2. I'd have to go 12 for 13 on the rest of the list just to maintain the same percentage that I did on the Man Crush write ups, and just doing a quick glance down the rest of the list, I'm not sure that I will.

The purpose of the Lady Crush list is to be the exact equivalent of the Man Crush list, the only difference being the lack of a Y chromosome. So why am I struggling so much more to describe my Man Love for these decidedly cool ladies, when for the most part it came easily for the fellas?

I think the problem is physical attraction. It didn't come into play for the Man Crush list (despite what some of you might think…) and it's not supposed to factor in for the ladies either. I would like to say that I look at the list objectively enough that it honestly doesn't. But it must. It almost has to.

And maybe it should.

I mean, the age old theory is that good looking people often didn't need to develop a personality because people lavished them with all the positive attention they could ever need from just their physical traits alone. Whereas people that aren't given the same attention, due to whatever perceived flaws that they may have, often end up developing an interesting personality or a sense of humour to compensate.

So then shouldn't someone that by all accounts shouldn't have a personality or sense of humour - but does - be ranked higher than someone that didn't face the same so-called societal hurdle? Not that most people would consider being born attractive a 'hurdle' per se, but for the sake of personality development, I would say it most certainly is.

I guess that the reason it's affecting these write ups is because A. I don't want to admit to you, my dear reader, that I find a 'platonic lady crush' to be attractive as well as awesome, less you accuse me of having a conflict of interest in my rankings. And B. I almost don't want to admit it to myself that it might have swayed my decision. It makes me more self conscious - that perhaps I am just another chauvinistic male - and that by factoring in the person's good looks, I'm not simply saying that they're awesome, but rather that they're only awesome …for a hot chick.  It's almost like saying 'Larry Bird was good at basketball… for a white guy' rather than 'Larry Bird is one of the five greatest players to ever play.'

Which he is.

So what about Anna Faris? Yes, I find her attractive. I've grown enough over the course of this post to admit it. But, despite not having anything tangible to write here in order to prove it (aside from a basic hunch), I still feel like she is awesome.

And not just '...for a hot chick'.

Proof of Awesomeness:

(That PoA was a joke by the way.  There is no way the word 'awesomeness' should ever be associated with that 3D turd.  It might look even worse than the Marmaduke movie.  Ok.  Nothing looks that bad, but still...)

1 comment:

  1. Great write up...I think, I stopped reading after the 1st paragraph and just stared at her picture...that was what you saying right? That she is hot.
