Friday, October 8, 2010

The Top 15 Platonic Female Lady Crushes

I know what you're thinking.  It's 2010.  Women can vote.  And drive cars.  They get equal pay.  You can't pinch their ass and call them 'Sugar tits' when they walk by you in the office anymore.  You don't even have to let them go first into the lifeboats.  It's every man, woman and child for themselves.  Essentially, we live in a society of gender equality.

So how could I have the audacity to list only 15 women as my definitive Platonic Lady Crushes, when the men got 25?  Do I need to attend a gender sensitivity seminar?  Do I need to walk a mile in their no-longer-high-heeled shoes?


Because it's not my fault, ladies, it's yours.  There's just not enough of you that merit a spot on this list*.  And I refuse to water down the quality of such a prestigious guide for any man. 

Or woman.

So here we go.  The Top 15 Platonic Female Lady Crushes.  Similar to the Hetero Man Crush List, looks don't really factor in.  Only awesomeness.  That doesn't mean there won't be some good looking gals on this list, but the physical part of the equation will not have any baring on a lady's position within the list.  It's all very scientific.  Trust me.

*ok, my list actually went to 25, but we were starting to get to the fringes of what I would consider a true Lady Crush, so I decided to go with 15 instead.  The cream of the crop.  Well, that, and I'm lazy...

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