Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We have a... winner?

Drumroll please...

And there you have it.  The winner of the first ever Travis' Blog Anniversary Contest of Awesomeness.

If I'm honest, i do kind of wish that someone else had won this thing.  It feels like I already bend to Randy's will enough on this blog as is.  But fair's fair.  So congratulations 'R.S.'  Your prize should arrive within the 4 to 8 week time window specified in the contest rules.  It is now entirely up to you whether or not you want to reveal to the rest of the blog reading public what the prize turned out to be.

(and no, the prize was not those stellar graphic presets that I used from LiveType... those were a gift for everyone.)


  1. "I'd like to thank the academy..."

    I think it is fair that you shot the video seven times to finally get the right name!

  2. FIXED! The video was played BACKWARDS so that Randy would have to win!
    For shame!
