Friday, September 17, 2010

Man Crush After Math


I'm going to miss you Man Crush List.  You've been good to me.  Not only have you been a solid source of content for this blog on a weekly basis, but you've also been - dare I say - an enjoyable endeavour. 

That said, I made the list back in March, and while I feel I gave it as much thought as possible at the time, over the course of writing each individual entry it became apparent that the list was a bit flawed.  Some names were higher than they should have been, and others much, much lower.  But I stuck to the list as it had been written, if for no other reason then the sheer difficulty if would have taken to go back and start swapping positions once the posts had already been published.

Of course, now that the last name has been revealed, and I have the luxury of hindsight, I feel I should give you the revised list.  The order I would put the names in if I made the list today.

But first…

Some Honourable Mentions.  These were the names that didn't quite make the cut, but should still be given their proper dues.

HM#1: Bret McKenzie
One of my biggest regrets from the Man Crush List was not giving Bret his rightful place within the Top 25.  For some reason it felt like once I had put one guy from a given show on the list, that I was being redundant by putting anyone else from that show on it - seeing as how the show had already been properly represented.  But that's stupid.  This was not a Top TV Shows list.  It was a Man Crush List.  And I have a Man Crush on Bret McKenzie.  It is a borderline crime against humanity not to have him on the list where he belongs.
Proof of Awesomeness

HM#2: Michael Cera
Everything I just wrote about Bret could be cut and pasted right here.  I stand by my decision to have Will Arnett appear as the face of Arrested Development, but I easily could have tried to find a place for David Cross as well as Mr. Cera.  And not just for Arrested Development either.  David Cross has some great stand up as well as the criminally underrated Mr. Show to hang his hat on, and Michael Cera has more than held his own on the big screen.
Proof of Awesomeness

HM#3: Jack Black
A lot of people are tired of Jack Black.  They think he's a one trick pony, and grew bored with his schtick many, many years ago.  Not me though.  He still brings a smile to my face every time he graces the screen.  I can't argue against the one trick label that has been placed on him, but really, when you think about it, aren't most celebrities?  I know all of my honourable mentions have been thus far.
Proof of Awesomeness

HM#4: Craig Ferguson
If you trace my ancestry, you won't get very far before you realize that I'm pretty much fully Scottish.  My dad was born and lived there until he was 8, and my mom's side of the family is only a generation or two off the boat.  I don't know if this has anything to do with why I'm so endeared by Scots, but as it stands, Craig Ferguson might be my favourite late night host on television.  Sure, Conan made the Top 25 and Craig didn't.  But that's simply because Conan has been making me laugh for longer.  If his new show doesn't pan out, and Craig keeps doing what he's doing, this time next year Mr. Ferguson might be the sole late night host to grace the 25.
Proof of Awesomeness

HM#5: Charley Boorman
It's no secret that I love The Long Way Round.  Heck, Randy and I even paid pretty decent homage to it once.  Sure, a lot of my love for Long Way could be attributed to both my affection toward motorcycles and my love of traveling (and Ewan certainly didn't hurt either) but a big component of it was definitely Charley.  Not enough to get him in the Top 25, but enough to earn him this well deserved Honourable Mention.
Proof of Awesomeness

Other Honourable Mentions:
Kevin Spacey, Rhys Darby, Charles Barkley, Will Ferrell and Bill Simmons.

And now that that's out of the way, I present to you the revised Top 25 (previous position in brackets):

25 Tony Jaa (24)
24 Ryan Reynolds (17)
23 Gerard Butler (16)
22 Gord Downie (18)
21 Jeremy Clarkson  (25)
20 Conan O'Brien (15)
19 Robert Downey Jr (13)
18 Adam Baldwin (14)
17 Bret McKenzie (--)
16 Will Arnett (19)
15 Christopher Walken (22)
14 Bill Murray (20)
13 Matt Damon (12)
12 Nathan Fillion 11)
11 Trey and Matt (21)
10 Jason Statham (10)
9 Jason Lee (8)
8 Clive Owen (9)
7 Adam Carolla (7)
6 Jemaine Clement (6)
5 Jackie Chan (4)
4 Kevin Smith (3)
3 Ewan McGregor (2)
2 Dave Grohl (5)
1 Steve Nash (1)

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see Charley, and Brett cracking the 25 is as it should be.

    This post makes me appreciate the embedded links to which I've grown accustomed.

    I'm glad you chose to throw homophobia to the wind, and do the blog.
