Friday, November 5, 2010

Lady Crush #11: Tina Fey

Best Known For: 30 Rock

Saturday Night Live isn't funny.  It hasn't been for a long, long time.  So me listing head writer for SNL as justification for Tina Fey's spot on this list is akin to the New Jersey Nets bragging that they drafted Yinka Dare as justification that they are a well managed team (I know it's in poor taste to speak ill of the dead, but seriously, I remember in high school being intrigued by the fact that he had never recorded a single assist in his first two and a half seasons in the league, and also running to school, genuinely excited to discuss the big news with my friends the morning after he finally did…)

That said: Head Writer at Saturday Night Live.  It's still nothing to sneeze at. 

Besides, it became moot once 30 Rock took off, and established itself as arguably the funniest show on television.  And, while I'm not one of the people making that argument, it's still easily in the Top 5.  Add Mean Girls to the writing credits, and the body of work starts to look pretty impressive.

But this list isn't just about who can write successful television shows or movies.  Obviously Ms. Fey needs a few more merits to justify having been placed so high on this list, right?  Well, once again, I don't really have them.  She just seems cool.  Self-Deprecating humour always wins me over, and Ms. Fey is definitely one that's willing to have the joke be at her expense.  But, like a few of the names on this list already, I'm pretty much just going with my gut on this one.

Basically, it boils down to this: I would like to think that if Tina Fey had gone to my high school in 1997, she would have found Yinka Dare just as funny as me, and on that glorious morning in February, when he became the NBA's record holder for most consecutive minutes played without a decisive pass (0 assists, 73 turnovers) she would have been gathered at my locker ready to mock a rich man's incompetence.

Of course, as thrilled as I was the day Mr. Dare finally chalked up his first assist, I probably would have been more happy to actually have a girl hanging out at my locker in high school.  But that's besides the point…

Proof of Awesomeness:

1 comment:

  1. Finally one I agree with! It bugs me a little that they portray her as so nerdy in 30 Rock - but she is also funnier that way.
    Do you remember Weekend Update with Tina Fey? Of course not, you don't watch SNL. But she was hilarious!
