Friday, November 26, 2010

Lady Crush #8: Zooey Deschanel

Best Known For: Yes Man

Thus far my Lady Crushes have been divided between 2 pretty specific categories: musicians and actresses.  But what about a lady that's both a musician and an actress?


That just happened.

I know, she seems like purpose-built Hipster Bait, but I don't care.  She still manages to win me over.  Even when she's kind of a miserable cow (I resisted using another C Word there…) like she was in (500) Days of Summer, she still does no wrong by me.  Plus, I saw She & Him in concert last year, and damn if they didn't win me over as well.

And that's all I really have to say.  Sorry, I know you've come to expect a certain level of quality (or at least quantity) in these Crush posts, but today I shall leave with you neither.

I will however take this opportunity to point out that I'm sure the winner of the First Annual Blog Contest of Awesomeness has received his prize by now, and it saddens me to think that he would not alleviate the suspense for his fellow readers by revealing what the prize turned out to be.  Perhaps a grass-roots, good old fashioned flaming in the comments section by his peers will bring him out of hiding.

Let me get you guys started:

"Pretty lame, Sneep.  Pretty Lame..."  -Travis

Proof of Awesomeness:

1 comment:

  1. That music video feels off. As if the beat is too fast for the singing, the action in the video is odd as well...I think. But I suppose it's just like the characters she plays in films. Kinda odd.

    As for the glorious prize fellow blog readers. I wore (hint) the prize while hanging out with Travis the other day, hoping he would take a picture to share with all the devoted blog readers...alas, he did not. I place the blame squarely on you Weather.
