Friday, December 3, 2010

Lady Crush #7: Kat Dennings

Best Known For: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

There was a time when I looked down my nose at blogs.  I'm sure it seems impossible to fathom at this point, but there was most certainly a time.  So much so, that when I first decided to start blogging, I dedicated the entire first post to defending my decision to blog.  Then, even once that blog had been well received and I decided to continue on (in the form of this blog which you are currently reading) I once again felt the need to explain myself.

And no one was even questioning the decision at the time.  I was defending it to no one (although maybe I was defending it to myself).  Needless to say, I was skeptical of blogs, and even borderline condemned them.  So what changed?  What made me loosen my harsh stance on blogs?


Before I had embraced the idea of blogging or bloggers there was Kat Dennings.  She was one of the first blogs I ever read, and one of the first that I ever bookmarked for future visits.  And I didn't really even know her as an actor at the time.

In fact, I'm not even sure how I got turned onto her blog in the first place.  Regardless.  How can you not love a person that posts something like this:

My lip is bleeding and I don't know why. I don't recall making out with a lawnmower...although anything can happen when under the influence of ice water."

That one random line is funnier than anything I have ever written.  How could I not be smitten?

In the end, I've loosened my stance on blogs in general, and in some small way, you might even say that Kat Dennings is somewhat responsible for what you're reading today.  It's up to you to decide whether to love her or hate her as a result.

But not all is sunshine and unicorns.  With the advent of Twitter, her once brilliant blog has dried up significantly over the past 2 years.  Posts started moving from being weeks apart to entire months.  And we're now sitting at damn near a year since her last entry.  Don't get me wrong, her Tweets are good.  But I need my Kat in long form.  140 characters or less just doesn't cut it.

Alas, this is simply the current state of the world that we live in.  Her brilliant non-sequitur humour goes untapped, while hacks like me post on a weekly basis.

Oh well, we'll always have 2006...

Proof of Awesomeness:

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