Friday, December 24, 2010

Lady Crush #4: Olivia Munn

Best known for: Attack of the Show

The debate has raged on for ages: Betty or Veronica?  And, although I'm much more of a brunette guy, and you can't help but be tempted by the rich family angle, in the end, the decision always seemed really obvious to me: Betty.  Hands down.

Veronica is probably the better looking of the two, but if a relationship is going to last beyond a couple of rolls in the hay, looks can only take you so far.  Besides, it's not like Betty is unattractive.  Whereas the problem with Veronica is... how can I put this nicely?  She's a little too high maintenance…

I've never much cared for the term 'tomboy', but I can't think of a better way to describe one of the most appealing traits that a woman can possess: being just like one of the guys.  A girl who drinks beer, eats hot wings, watches or (better yet) plays sports, likes action movies, plays video games, all while still having soft skin and smelling real purty.  I don't know about beer and hot wings, Archie never really got into it, but Betty was definitely the hot tomboy, and I was always confused by the mere notion that Archie would even put up with Veronica's crap when the superior Betty was obviously nuts for him.  If I was Jughead, I would have swooped in the very second that Archie let his guard down.  Even though it would have absolutely devastated Big Ethel.

Sorry, I read a lot of Archie growing up…

But, we'll move on from the Double Digest comparisons, because this Lady Crush isn't on Betty Cooper.  Not just because she's a fictional character, but also because I'd have to give some serious consideration towards Midge as well, and quite frankly, I just don't have the time or space on this blog to properly sort it out. 

No, in the end, this was all just an elaborate way to lead up to a discussion on the finer qualities of one Olivia Munn.  She plays the 'one of the guys' angle better than almost anyone.  'Sure, I love video games… but I also like dressing up like Slave Leia from Return of the Jedi.'  Hot and likes Star Wars?  Yes, please.

That said, I can't tell if it's all just an elaborate ruse or not.  Sometimes it seems like she's trying a bit too hard to play the 'I'm just a hot nerd' angle.  And really, I can't blame her - cornering the market on geeky dudes is a pretty smart and potentially lucrative way to go.  Making them think that she likes the same things that they like (when most other women shun them) and that they might even have a chance with a woman that's as hot as she is, is the sort of brilliant strategy that has resulted in a few decent pay cheques for Ms. Munn, I'm sure (as well as many a pair of soiled Batman Underoos).

But every time I see an interview where she's like 'oh yeah, I would totally date a geeky dude, I love nerds', I kind of roll my eyes and think 'Really? didn't you just steal Justin Timberlake away from Jessica Biel?'  I'm sorry, but he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that collects Spider-Man Comics…

That said, even if I don't fully buy the whole 'hot geeky chick' angle, there's some things that can't be faked.  A strong sense of humour, a quick wit, and impeccable comic timing are pretty much at the top of that list.  Throw in a strong willingness to poke fun at herself, and an eagerness to do anything for a laugh, and well, Top 5 placement on this list doesn't seem like such an unlikely achievement.

Now, if only I can sort out whether or not I like Wilma or Betty more?  Stay tuned next week for a full debate.  Ah, who am I kidding?  That one is obviously Betty too. By a landslide.  Although I am starting to get a little concerned about my 'cartoon characters named Betty' fetish…

Proof of Awesomeness:


  1. You really put a lot of thought into that whole Betty and Veronica thing, didn't you. Maybe just a little too much thought...

  2. This started as such a interesting and compelling blog post.

    I don't think Princess Leia had a Lightsaber...and if she did, it wouldn't be red! I'd have to imagine the nerds would tear a strip off her for such an egregious error.

  3. It's true, I spent far too much of my youth debating whether I would rather date Betty or Veronica, and not a whole lot of time debating why I wasn't dating any real women...

    And no, Princess Leia never had a lightsaber, but considering she was Luke's sister, chances are she was strong in the force, and therefore could be trained to be a Jedi. Also, the lure of the dark side is strong, not even Leia is immune from it, so who's to say that she wouldn't be turned and eventually have a red saber? Also, did I mention that I didn't date many girls in high school? Because if not, you've probably already figured it out by now...

  4. Really good proof of awesome clip. At first I felt the guest (whoever he is) was stealing the show...but as it went on, I realized she was really holding her own with him. I was impressed.
