Friday, December 31, 2010

Lady Crush #3: Kristen Bell

Best Known For: Veronica Mars

Allow me to present to you a list of my Top 10 Favourite Television Shows of All Time. And I know what you're thinking: 'A list within a list, surely you've gone mad…'

I can't deny it. Seeing that such a list would probably make for a suitable topic of blogging once this current list has come to pass, it's practically being wasted here, out of context, with no explanation of why each show was ranked accordingly. This is madness indeed. And yet, I proceed in spite of it.

But, before you go running to the comments section to string me up for not including some obvious choices, allow me a quick disclaimer: I am by no means a television connoisseur.  The mere proof of which can be seen in the fact that I have never watched The Wire or The Sopranos, two shows largely considered by many to be the greatest ever spawned. Obviously, if I have not seen them, I can't put them on this list.  As such, this list is very likely to change over the years - I do fully intend to someday watch those aforementioned shows, as well as other highly praised series such as Mad Men and Friday Night Lights. But until then, they cannot appear here, sight unseen.

So, without further adieu, drum roll please…

10. Dexter
9. Top Gear (UK)
8. Flight of the Conchords
7. Breaking Bad
6. Veronica Mars
5. Southpark
4. Firefly
3. The Simpsons*
2. Arrested Development
1. Seinfeld

(Honourable Mentions: Futurama, The Office, The Long Way Round - which I removed from contention for being more of a mini-series than a television show)

First of all, please note that Star Trek: The Next Generation's omission from this list was not an oversight (sorry, Sneep). Secondly, I was just joking about not running to the comments section, feel free, debate away.

Next, draw your attention to item number six. That's right, this turned out to be just another very roundabout way of introducing this week's Lady Crush. Sure, I love me some Veronica Mars. It's the show that won Kirsten Bell a spot in my heart for life, and gave her a free pass for all the Couples Retreat's and When in Rome's that may come along and attempt to sully her good name. But it's not just the great character that she played on a great show that got her here. Like most of the ladies that made this list, especially at this high of a rank, she seems like she's pretty damned awesome in real life too. I don't know how many different ways I can tell you that I'm won over by a quick wit and a sharp tongue, but once again, Ms. Bell can easily put those qualities on her resume. Right under her ranking on this prestigious blog, of course.

Proof of Awesomeness:

*I consider seasons 3 through 7 of The Simpsons to be the greatest stretch of television ever created. That said, considering it's still being made, yet I haven't watched it on an ongoing basis for years, I couldn't in good conscience give it the top spot on this TV list.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you should included any personal correspondence you have received from Miss Bell as further testament to her awesome?

    Without the inclusion of Star Trek:TNG, I can't even stomach, much less discuss your television list.
