Friday, October 2, 2009

So, it's come down to this...

I recently wrote a blog. It had a specific purpose, and was generally very good at maintaining that focus. It wasn't just me talking about going to the grocery store and spending half an hour choosing between Ketchup and Catsup. Or debating whether or not Yoda sounded more like Miss Piggy or Grover. It had it's logical place in this world, and on top of that, people seemed to enjoy it.

Prior to that, I had always hated blogs. The name 'blog' was stupid. Their self indulgent nature was stupid. And therefore the people that did them must be stupid as well. But all of that was based solely on perception, a stigma that was immediately placed on blogging the moment that the term was coined. If you blog, you must be so high and mighty on yourself that everything you do is worthy reading for the entire planet. But that's not really the case, is it? Blogging is just a byproduct of the age that we live in. People don't talk to each other, they text each other. They'd just as soon read about someone's life then have it told to them in person. This is the age of Twitter. An age where the things that happen to us and shape our lives can be summed up 140 characters at a time.

And then I started reading a few blogs. I read a sports blog, and a film blog, and a television blog. Heck, I even read a celebrity gossip blog. And I still do. And they entertain me. So, even though I hate the idea of blogs in theory, in reality, I enjoy them. And therefore even though I think the idea of me writing a blog is stupid, here I am, trying to prove that misconception wrong as well.

But I'm not going to lie, this is stupid. I don't have anything of merit to say. And I sure as heck don't have anything of interest to say. But that's not the point, is it? I enjoy writing. I always have, and I probably always will. Up until now, that writing has been relegated to Microsoft Word documents, rarely ever to be read by anyone but myself. But, if my last blog is any indication, apparently people like what I have to say. And even when they don't like what I say, they at least like how I say it. So if I enjoy writing it, and at least one person enjoys reading it, then really, what harm is there in throwing it against the wall and seeing if it sticks?

And yet I hesitate. I'm not so much a modest dude, as I am lacking in conviction. Modesty to me, suggests that someone is really good at something, but chooses not to be boastful about it. I'm not really sure that I'm good at anything. Competent, maybe. Adequate, sure. But good? Honestly, nothing comes to mind. The accolades given to my last blog, to me, just make me wonder if it was a fluke. That maybe I lucked out in stringing a few interesting stories together. And such thoughts heavily shake my confidence in this blog. I don't have a lot of faith that it will be any good. Or very funny. Or at all rewarding to read. But I had one very strong supporter campaign for it. And that's a good enough reason for me to give it a try.

So, in other words, if this sucks horribly, blame Randy.

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