Friday, October 16, 2009

I have nothing to say... honestly

Today I'm going to put this blog to the test.

Because I am literally writing this with nothing to say. I mean, usually I'll have a topic or subject that I want to mention, or at least something to start ideas flowing. But today? Nothing.

So, I'm winging it. And, while my writing style is very stream-of-consciousness to begin with, today it's probably going to be more so than usual.

Now, how many words was that? I feel like a kid in high school, told to write a thousand word essay, counting each word, and adding in crap that doesn't even apply to the topic, just to push those 978 words over the threshold. But really, has a teacher ever actually counted the words on the page of an essay? That would add like, twice the time to the marking process. And I'm sure most teachers would just as soon get it done so that they can go watch Columbo, right? I mean, they probably just use it as a guideline to get something submitted that's an approximate length. I can't imagine they've ever failed a brilliant 958 word essay for not meeting the 1000 word criteria. That said... how many words am I at now?


And that's not even counting the I'ms and I'lls as 2 words, which I'm pretty sure they technically are. Of course, this isn't high school. I can write as little or as much as I want. Or not at all. So really that was all just a giant waste of time and space. Stream-of-consciousness has failed us all.

What else? Still nothing? And I wonder why only one guy reads this...

Maybe I should get preachy. Because all this talk of Columbo has reminded me that the new season of Dexter just started up. And despite my best efforts, I have been unable to get a certain someone on board with this show. I'm not going to name names, because lord knows the last thing this giant ego needs is another shout out, but for the sake of my television sermon, let's just call him R. Sneep. No wait, that's too obvious. How about Randy S.

So, Randy S. is often looking for new shows to watch. Or 'get down on' as the kids would say. And in the past, I've introduced him/her to some of his/her now favorite shows: The Office, Chuck, and the brilliant Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles. With a track record like that, and knowing that I have a good understanding of the 'just because I enjoy something, doesn't mean everyone else will' mindset (Example: I love Weeds. Especially the first couple of seasons. But I know that this individual would hate every minute of it. And as such, have never pushed it on him. Ditto for Californication.), you'd think he'd be more receptive to a suggestion that I have very passionately made to him on numerous occasions. And yet he/she hesitates.

And I understand the hesitation. This individual tries to pass themselves off as a wholesome person. Clean living. Morally infallible. So I understand how a show about a serial killer, as the protagonist no less, would raise some alarms. But here's where I'm rubbed a little wrong. I think if he saw a trailer for this show, as a movie, and it looked really good, he'd have no hesitation about downloading it (legally, of course...) and watching it. But because it's a tv show, for some reason it's not allowed to have cursing or questionable content. It's as though television is held to a different standard. But why do movies get a free pass on questionable content? This show has way less blood in it than 300. No worse profanity than Blood Diamond. Less nudity than... well, who doesn't like nudity?

I get the feeling that it's almost like, just because the main character, and the situations in the show, aren't the most morally sound, that somehow it makes a person less morally sound for having watched it. But I don't know. Isn't that the point of watching television? For the fantasy element of it. Just because I watch a serial killer, doesn't mean I condone serial killing. But I do like to take my mind off of the boringness of the day-to-day and watch some griping story telling. If all television was nothing but clean, wholesome situations, then it would be as boring as real life, and there'd be no point in watching it.

I guess what really bugs me is that the show has been pre-judged, without having been given a chance. I mean, I would fully understand if he watched the first 4 episodes, hated every minute of it and stopped watching. I could live with that. That would make sense. But that's barely even an Oscar-length movie. Is his time so precious that freeing up those 2 hours just can't be done? No, it could. Easily, I'm sure. Of course, with that said... even if someone told me Twilight was the best movie ever, I'd still be hard pressed to free up a couple hours to watch that vampire melodrama tripe (which I'm all-to-happy to have pre-judged). But that's all I'll say about that, because it kind of works as a valid counter-point to this whole argument.

I guess at the end of the day, I say all this assuming he still holds my opinion in high regard. The last show that I told him was a 'must-watch' was the entire run of Veronica Mars. And I know he downloaded it, but I've never heard a single word back from him on it. That means he either watched it, hated it, and lost all respect for my opinion, or else he hasn't watched it all. In which case, he really needs to get on that. Jeepers.


  1. Dexter is a great great great show....just need to start season 3 first. then to season 4..but Randy if you do watch be prepared if you like will become somewhat addicted. Travis and I can attest(i think thats how it is spelt to that.

  2. No to give T any props or anything...but I have sucome to that which is...DEXTER.
