Friday, October 9, 2009

The White Stuff

Look everybody! Happy Travis is here!!!

Apparently I was a bit too negative in my last post - as pointed out by my lone reader. So, grab a glass full of sunshine and rainbows because you're invited to a dinner party at the gumdrop house on lollipop lane.

Actually, as sarcastic as that was, it's not that far from the truth. I am in a good mood. And not just because it's Friday and a long weekend. But because it's Friday, it's a long weekend, and there's snow on the ground. And I know what you're thinking:

'Wow, it takes a lot to put you in a good mood.'

Not true. I am a fairly jovial dude. Most of the time. But, like anyone, I have my pet peeves. And yesterday's peeve was people bitching about the snow. Granted, it is a tad early for the white stuff, but that's pretty small potatoes when you consider we barely had snow in December the last couple of years. And yet, if my Facebook account is any sort of litmus test for the entire population, people were crying foul like they had just seen that Susan Boyle chick voted off of whatever gay reality show she was on.

Look people, it's not like it's beach weather in October normally. So what? We skipped a few weeks of yellow leaves and brown grass. The important thing to remember here is that we're now a few weeks closer to ski season then we were on Wednesday. And if you still feel like pining about it, hey, I hear houses are really cheap in the States right now. You choose to live in Alberta, so suck it up, Princess.

And really, I should be the last person to like Winter. I drive a motorcycle. I have to pay for a full year's worth of insurance and only get 4 months of decent riding. If anyone's status should read: 'looked out the window this morning and wanted to put a gun in my mouth' it should be mine. Instead my status was... well, it was: 'So long, friends, I'm off to Europe for 5 weeks' but only because I never change the thing. But I assure you, if I did update it more than once a year, it would be something awesome. And it would be praising the snow.

That said...

I'm not going to lie. 7 months of winter does start to wear on a guy. Right now I'm very much in the honeymoon phase of the year's first snow fall. Talk to me again in April, and I doubt very much that I'll be singing the same praises.

In other words: enjoy Happy Travis while you still can.

1 comment:

  1. youre always happy unless....there is a bad call made in a basketball game...but give you a picture of Scarlet and youre happy again.
