Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh ya... the Blog. Oops...

I must apologize for the shabby blogging that I've been doing lately.  Or not doing, as it were.  Basically, I had a coupe weeks in a row where I ended up having to type long, intense emails to people, that I ended up putting a ton of effort and energy into.  Then, by the time Friday rolled around, it already felt like I had maxed out my writing threshold for the week.  Sure, I could have forced myself to spit out a few words, but really, at that point the blog would have become more like homework than an enjoyable hobby, and I just didn't want to cross into that territory.  So, I kind of took June off.  Sorry, I had pretty much made the decision to skip it for the full month before it was even half over, and I suppose I could/should have given you a head's up. 

Regardless, it's been a nice little vacation, but I think I'm ready to come back.  So, mark it on your calendar, folks.  Next week will mark my triumphant return!  Feel free to wet you pants in anticipation…

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